Be bold, be colourful, even if you are dealing with apple products which are famously monotone and minimal.


Casper Jones is looking to create a website that effectively highlights his range of services for potential clients. His goal is to attract both residential and business customers throughout the Greater Toronto Area, ensuring his offerings are clearly presented and easily accessible online.


Build a comprehensive website highlighting the service offerings, including a contact form to initiate dialogue, and devise a strategic content plan to organically increase visibility in the market.


Questions were created based on the research goals and then 5 interviews were conducted with target participants.





Age: 35-65 CEOs/founders/managers

Lives in the GTA

Variety of genders

People who use Apple products throughout their organization


To better serve potential clients seeking Apple IT support in the GTA, it's crucial to understand their specific needs and preferences. This involves identifying what information resonates best with them and whether it aligns with their level of technical expertise or addresses their particular concerns. By gaining insights into their preferences and pain points, we can tailor our approach to effectively engage with them and showcase how ITSCasper's services can meet their needs and exceed their expectations.


Financial - Wants to keep costs down

Product - Wants the latest technology and wants it to work

Financial - Wants to keep costs down

Support - Always available to maintain productivity



  • Past workflow disruptions have been caused by inadequate IT support.

  • I expect the IT support services to implement robust cybersecurity measures

  • IT support has become a top priority

  • Current IT infrastructure struggles to keep up


  • IT support is a priority

  • Wants realtime support

  • Want reliable help


  • Manages the team directly

  • Wants to grow their agency

  • Wants to optimize security

  • Sees the value of Apple products


  • Security comes first

  • IT support is important

  • Downtime costs financial opportunities


Sarah leads a vibrant life, prioritizing her family, fitness, and community engagement. Balancing her roles as a devoted wife and mother of two, she enjoys outdoor adventures like hiking and cycling in the Greater Toronto Area. Actively involved in local charity events, Sarah values giving back to her community. She cherishes her friendships, often organizing social gatherings outside of work. A passionate cook, she finds solace in experimenting with gourmet recipes. Seeking to boost her team's efficiency, Sarah explores integrating the latest Apple products and software in her digital marketing agency, ensuring a smooth transition while prioritizing user-friendliness and productivity.


Sarah leads a vibrant life, prioritizing her family, fitness, and community engagement. Balancing her roles as a devoted wife and mother of two, she enjoys outdoor adventures like hiking and cycling in the Greater Toronto Area. Actively involved in local charity events, Sarah values giving back to her community. She cherishes her friendships, often organizing social gatherings outside of work. A passionate cook, she finds solace in experimenting with gourmet recipes. Seeking to boost her team's efficiency, Sarah explores integrating the latest Apple products and software in her digital marketing agency, ensuring a smooth transition while prioritizing user-friendliness and productivity.


Sarah leads a vibrant life, prioritizing her family, fitness, and community engagement. Balancing her roles as a devoted wife and mother of two, she enjoys outdoor adventures like hiking and cycling in the Greater Toronto Area. Actively involved in local charity events, Sarah values giving back to her community. She cherishes her friendships, often organizing social gatherings outside of work. A passionate cook, she finds solace in experimenting with gourmet recipes. Seeking to boost her team's efficiency, Sarah explores integrating the latest Apple products and software in her digital marketing agency, ensuring a smooth transition while prioritizing user-friendliness and productivity.


Age: 38

Location: GTA

Gender: Female

Marital status: Married

Education: Bachelor's

Occupation: Founder and CEO of a growing digital marketing agency


Enhance operational efficiency within her marketing agency.

Streamline communication and collaboration among her team members.

Implement user-friendly and reliable Apple products for seamless workflow integration.

Stay updated with the latest technological trends and advancements in the digital marketing industry.


Balancing business growth with limited resources and budget constraints.

Ensuring that all employees are well-equipped to utilize the latest technology effectively.

Finding the right software solutions that align with the specific needs of her digital marketing agency.

Keeping up with the fast-paced changes in the digital marketing landscape.


As a CEO of a growing digital marketing agency I want to implement user-friendly and reliable Apple products for seamless workflow integration so that she can enhance operational efficiency within her marketing agency.

How might we speak less technically and more creatively about the problems we solve?

By humanizing our voice and explanations. Putting people in a comfortable position where they understand what is being said to them and feel able to express themselves.

How might we make it easy to start a conversation with leads?

By keeping a contact button on the website all the time. Sticky.

How might we stand out in a sea of boring IT support services?

By embracing more on trend design decisions that inspire those that land on the site to see more to itscasper than just a service, but a brand with life and energy.

How might we guide the visitor along the journey towards contacting us?

By building up our information and asking open ended questions in some of the text.

How might we make our website an experience, not a formality?

By bring in colour, bold font choices and animations.

How might we revolutionize the IT industry?

By creating a friendly, approachable, professional and knowledgeable brand experience.


Sarah is a founder and CEO of a digital marketing agency who needs to streamline communication and collaboration among her team members because they’re in a fast-paced digital marketing landscape with a lot of competition.


If the team has the right tools then they will be empowered to deliver exceptional results for their clients.

How might you, get in contact with me?











Key takeaways

The client was a fan of the Apple website and wanted it's bento box style to be the inspiration. I was onboard with this straight away as it was on trend, plus no one else in the IT support space locally had anything similar. I saw this as a way to make the company stand out and attract the target audience.

Usability testing

The primary feedback from the usability study focused on ensuring consistency in call-to-action (CTA) copy, adjusting font sizes for mobile devices, lightening the overall background by removing elements, and aligning the contact page with the design language of the rest of the website.