Transforming spaces across Montreal with timeless, high-end furniture.


The existing website and branding for Max Wood are outdated and require modernization to align with the increasing demand for their custom furniture offerings.


Increase visibility and reach, showcase craftsmanship, enhanced brand image, generate leads. Serve as a powerful marketing and sales tool, contributing to their business growth, brand reputation, and customer satisfaction in the competitive landscape of high-end furniture.

Serve as a powerful marketing and sales tool, contributing to their business growth, brand reputation, and customer satisfaction in the competitive landscape of high-end furniture.


Interior designers, prospective and existing clients and woodworking enthusiasts.





Age: 35-55

Interior designers, new and existing clients and woodworking enthusiasts.

Lives in Quebec, Ontario and Maritimes

Variety of genders

People that see value in unique one of a kind furniture pieces to enhance their environments


The discussion with the customer highlighted several key points regarding their experience with Max Wood's website and their preferences when browsing for high-end furniture online. The customer values clear navigation, intuitive search filters, and transparent access to information such as pricing. They emphasized the importance of aesthetic appeal in reflecting the brand's quality and craftsmanship. Overall, the customer provided valuable insights for improving the website's usability, aligning it with Max Wood's brand identity, and enhancing the overall customer experience.


Limited transparency and communication about options, time and processes.

Navigation causing confusion which impacts the user experience.

Lack of pricing information accessibility hinders decision-making

Inconsistent brand representation and aesthetic appeal doesn't match the work



  • Clear navigation and intuitive search filters to enhance their browsing experience is important.

  • Frustrated when essential information like pricing is not readily accessible on the website.


  • The website's aesthetic should mirror the quality and craftsmanship of the custom furniture brand.

  • They anticipate a seamless and visually appealing online experience that aligns with their high-end furniture purchasing expectations.


  • May navigate away from the website if they encounter difficulties finding essential information or if the navigation is confusing.

  • They are likely to explore other custom furniture options if the website fails to visually impress or reflect the brand's identity effectively.


  • Satisfied and confident when they can easily find the information they need and navigate the website seamlessly.

  • Frustrated and disappointment arise when transparency and accessibility issues hinder their ability to make informed purchasing decisions.


Olivia is a highly accomplished and widely respected interior designer renowned for her impeccable attention to detail and unwavering passion for crafting inviting and stylish spaces. Olivia's distinctive approach seamlessly blends contemporary design trends with timeless sophistication, resulting in curated environments that not only exude elegance but also authentically reflect the unique personalities and lifestyles of her discerning clientele. Her unparalleled expertise and creative flair, have made her the go-to choice for those seeking unparalleled refinement and luxury in their living spaces.


Olivia is a highly accomplished and widely respected interior designer renowned for her impeccable attention to detail and unwavering passion for crafting inviting and stylish spaces. Olivia's distinctive approach seamlessly blends contemporary design trends with timeless sophistication, resulting in curated environments that not only exude elegance but also authentically reflect the unique personalities and lifestyles of her discerning clientele. Her unparalleled expertise and creative flair, have made her the go-to choice for those seeking unparalleled refinement and luxury in their living spaces.


Olivia is a highly accomplished and widely respected interior designer renowned for her impeccable attention to detail and unwavering passion for crafting inviting and stylish spaces. Olivia's distinctive approach seamlessly blends contemporary design trends with timeless sophistication, resulting in curated environments that not only exude elegance but also authentically reflect the unique personalities and lifestyles of her discerning clientele. Her unparalleled expertise and creative flair, have made her the go-to choice for those seeking unparalleled refinement and luxury in their living spaces.

Olivia Bergeron

Age: 38

Location: Montreal, QC

Gender: Female

Marital status: Single

Education: Bachelor's

Occupation: Interior Designer


She values creativity and innovation, always on the lookout for unique pieces and materials to incorporate into her projects.

As a champion of artisanal craftsmanship, Olivia appreciates the attention to detail and the tactile quality of handmade furniture.

Olivia's primary goal is to exceed her clients' expectations by delivering personalized design solutions that resonate with their aesthetic preferences and lifestyle needs


Time Constraints: Balancing multiple projects and client meetings leaves Olivia with limited time to explore new design resources and suppliers.

Information Overload: With a plethora of design options available in the market, Olivia often feels overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices.

Budget Considerations: While Olivia appreciates the value of high-end craftsmanship, she also needs to consider her clients' budget constraints.


As an interior designer that appreciates the attention to detail and the tactile quality of handmade furniture I want to always be on the lookout for unique pieces and materials to incorporate into projects so that I exceed my clients' expectations.

How might we create visually stunning galleries that immerse users in Max Wood’s craftsmanship and inspire them to explore more?

Large imagery of pieces that inspire should be front and centre.

How might we ensure that the navigation is seamless and intuitive, helping users like Olivia quickly find exactly what they’re looking for?

Furniture style filters should be clear and obvious.

How might we ensure that live chat support and contact forms are highly visible and easy to use, facilitating effortless communication?

Sticky chat bubble throughout site.

How might we leverage personalization to deliver tailored recommendations that make Olivia feel valued and understood?

Incorporate testimonials from clients.

How might we create a customized follow-up process that reinforces Max Wood’s commitment to individual needs while enhancing user satisfaction?

Create a follow up email template with space for Max Wood to fill in blanks that are specific to the client so they feel important. This message can also be relayed to Max Wood himself to ensure all the details aren't missed.


Olivia is an accomplished interior designer who needs unique, well crafted furniture because she wants to exceed her clients' expectations by delivering personalized design solutions that resonate with their aesthetic preferences and lifestyle needs.


If Olivia can find inspiring pieces that fit her project's budget and time constraints then she’ll be able to over deliver for her clients.

How might you, get in contact with me?












Key takeaways

Adding prices will be difficult as each piece of furniture is custom, but instead we can talk to pricing and push visitors towards contacting the company. Testimonials on each page can be made specific to the page itself, ie. on the 'about' page we can talk to Max Wood's personality and kind nature, whilst on the homepage speak to the craftmanship of the furniture.

Usability testing

The fonts needed to be harmonized, and the colors made consistent to establish a clear information hierarchy and prevent the content from appearing disjointed. The social media icons in the hero section were unnecessary and should be relocated to the footer, where visitors typically expect to find them. The 'Work' page needed to be the primary call-to-action, as the 'About' section lacked visuals of the furniture and was secondary upon landing on the homepage. The lines throughout the design, though a design element I was initially pleased with, became confusing. I was willing to remove them if they seemed like a "mistake."


