Get away from the crowds, queues and jostling for overhead bins. Soaring above the rest is the way to go.


Nexgen Aviation Inc. wants to enter the private air travel space in the Greater Toronto Area. To do this they need a website to bring in potential clients.


The company can expect the new website to serve as a powerful marketing and sales tool, driving business growth, enhancing customer satisfaction, and contributing to its overall success in the private airline sector.

Serve as a powerful marketing and sales tool, contributing to their business growth, brand reputation, and customer satisfaction in the competitive landscape of high-end furniture.


Who is booking private air travel, and how do they choose between GTA-based charter flight companies while rating their highest service needs?

Interior designers, prospective and existing clients and woodworking enthusiasts.





Age: 35-65


Lives in the GTA

Variety of genders

High net worth individuals, entertainment industry, diplomats, sports teams and athletes


The project aims to enhance Nexgen's website by highlighting its extensive aviation experience and personalized services while ensuring ease of navigation and engagement for users. Through qualitative interviews with target audience segments such as business travellers and luxury seekers, the research seeks to clarify user preferences, gather feedback on website usability, and identify opportunities to differentiate the company from competitors. Pain points


Financial - Wants to find a balance between the desired level of luxury and efficiency while managing costs effectively

Product - Wants the website to be mobile first

Process - Wants to have a seamless experience, free of glitches

Support - Always available to answer questions



  • Airlines have a lot of disruptions

  • Flight schedules are pre determined and not flexible

  • Airports have a lot of wait times to check in and collect baggage


  • A lot of online booking options

  • Last minute travel needs aren’t easily accommodated due to flight schedules

  • Security checks increase wait time at airports


  • I want my flight to be on my schedule so that I can go where I want, when i want.

  • I want to be in my seat with my laptop open as soon as possible to stay connected with work.

  • I want flexibility to meet my needs when they arise.


  • I’m always waiting in check ins lines, at security and for my bags.

  • I feel my business needs me to travel to expand.

  • I’m ready to personalize my air travel to get ahead in business


Emma, a dynamic entrepreneur hailing from Toronto, leads a rapidly growing technology startup with a background rooted in software engineering. Her journey began in her early 30s when she founded the company, driven by a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of emerging tech trends. Recognized for her groundbreaking solutions, Emma has disrupted the tech industry landscape, earning acclaim for her visionary leadership and transformative contributions. Her commitment to excellence and relentless drive to push boundaries inspire her team and position her as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of technology.


Emma, a dynamic entrepreneur hailing from Toronto, leads a rapidly growing technology startup with a background rooted in software engineering. Her journey began in her early 30s when she founded the company, driven by a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of emerging tech trends. Recognized for her groundbreaking solutions, Emma has disrupted the tech industry landscape, earning acclaim for her visionary leadership and transformative contributions. Her commitment to excellence and relentless drive to push boundaries inspire her team and position her as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of technology.


Emma, a dynamic entrepreneur hailing from Toronto, leads a rapidly growing technology startup with a background rooted in software engineering. Her journey began in her early 30s when she founded the company, driven by a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of emerging tech trends. Recognized for her groundbreaking solutions, Emma has disrupted the tech industry landscape, earning acclaim for her visionary leadership and transformative contributions. Her commitment to excellence and relentless drive to push boundaries inspire her team and position her as a trailblazer in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Emma Thompson

Age: 42

Location: GTA

Gender: Female

Marital status: Married with one kid

Education: Bachelor's

Occupation: CEO, Technology Start-up


Business expansion to access new markets, diversify revenue, attract talent, innovate, and ensure long-term sustainability.

Employee development is crucial for fostering a skilled workforce, boosting morale, increasing productivity, and ensuring organizational adaptability and growth.

Innovation leadership is essential for driving creativity, inspiring teams, staying competitive, and spearheading transformative changes within the organization.


Time Constraints: Balancing multiple projects and client meetings leaves Olivia with limited time to explore new design resources and suppliers.

Information Overload: With a plethora of design options available in the market, Olivia often feels overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices.

Budget Considerations: While Olivia appreciates the value of high-end craftsmanship, she also needs to consider her clients' budget constraints.


As a CEO of a tech start up I want to travel for business meetings, conferences and investor relations so that she can continue to expand her business efficiently.

How might we make air travel seem simple and hassle free?

Clear and concise CTAs.

How might we look more personable than our stiff competitors?

Incorporate lifestyle imagery that isn’t so generic and leans towards a more creative approach

How might we project a luxurious persona?

Through font choice and minimalistic layout design.

How might we make our website more accessible to those on the go?

Designing it from a mobile standpoint first

How might we make the website interactive and enjoyable?

Bring in hover states that are tasteful and eye-catching. Show attention to detail in even the smallest touches.


Emma is a CEO of a tech start up who needs to travel with her small team because they can continue to work while flying to important business meetings.


If the flights adapt to Emma’s needs then she will be able maintain her fast paced lifestyle and travel stress free.

How might you, get in contact with me?












Key takeaways

The website will feature extensive information, but throughout the design process, I aim to maintain a minimalistic approach to emphasize the luxury aspect of private air travel.

Usability testing

The design needs more white space and the color palette needs to be used more sparingly throughout. CTAs were not obvious and overall key information needed to be clearer.


